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Cool kids send their thanks

We were delighted to receive such a colourful and heartfelt thanks from the Hughenden Kindergarten and Childhood Centre. Battling one challenge after another - severe drought and then devastating floods - the children attending the not-for-profit centre have been through a lot. The events have had a great impact on this small but resilient town and its community. Families, businesses and support organisations are doing it tough financially, with a challenging road ahead.

For the centre, limited funding has made it challenging to continue to meet the National Quality Standard areas for childcare. To that end, and with temperatures soaring, it made a request via GIVIT for a water trough and water toys to ‘bring joy to the heat’ for the children and cool things down at playtime. Keen to teach the children sustainable living practices, the staff stressed that leftover ‘play water’ would be used on the centre’s vegetable garden and fruit trees.  

We were happy to help co-ordinate their request – and pleased with their artistic masterpiece!


Outpouring of love for Queensland's North West


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