Impact Report | One Year On 2021 NSW Floods
How your donations have helped
In March 2021, devastating storms and flooding affected widespread parts of New South Wales. Many people were left displaced and in parts, the same regions still recovering from the Black Summer bushfires had again been battered.
At this time, GIVIT was activated by New South Wales Government to manage offers of assistance following the emergency event.
It is with a heavy heart that this event has been trumped by another devastating event again in 2022.
GIVIT has been able to impact the lives of so many, ensuring people get exactly what they need, when they need it.
66,007 Items received
37 Local government areas helped
79 Support organisations helped

Stories of those who gave to GIVIT

ABC flood appeal raised $339,000
Two months after the devastating floods hit NSW, ABC launched an appeal to raise crucial funds for GIVIT. GIVIT staff and volunteers spent 16 hours answering phones and accepting donations from big-hearted ABC listeners, with more than $339,000 raised. This remarkable generosity will go a long way towards the short and long-term recovery of people left devastated, with 100% of money donated being used to purchase essential items and services.

A gentleman from NSW donated $1,000 to the ABC Flood Appeal on his 60th wedding anniversary.
His wife passed 5 years ago, and he knew she would have wanted him to help people impacted but the devastating floods

Fantastic Furniture came to the rescue
The floods that swept through parts of NSW took a lot of good night sleeps with it. Mattresses were urgently needed in flood-impacted areas, such as Port Macquarie Hastings Council. Thankfully, we have Fantastic Furniture to the rescue. They have donated 200 mattresses to help us fill this need!

Hunter and his mum Kim are true GIVIT Heroes
Hunter spent his school holidays raising almost $500 in his community for people who have lost everything in the devastating NSW 2021 floods.
How your donations helped
NSW flood victims struggling to recover two months after disaster
Two months on, in March 2021, Neera Schwartz was still picking up the pieces.
she was left homeless after her property in a Wilberforce caravan park along the Hawkesbury River was inundated.
"My life has been majorly impacted, because I lost everything," Ms Schwartz said. "My caravan was completely covered by the water.
Here is an insight into how GIVIT is able to help following a disaster like this.
Wilberforce Caravan Park –moving back in
GIVIT provided Big W and fuel vouchers to Peppercorn Services who were providing the support to the Wilberforce Caravan Park residents in the Hawkesbury region.
These residents were all evacuated with many of them losing all their possessions. These vouchers enabled these residents to purchase basic essential needs whilst they were staying in emergency and temporary accommodation.
Peppercorn have also been able to receive many donated items through the Virtual Warehouse via public donations. These included, dining tables and chairs, cupboards, tv units, microwaves, coffee tables, lounge suites and bedroom furniture.
One particular young man who lived in the Park and lost everything was provided with permanent accommodation and needed a fridge and washing machine. With donated funds GIVIT was able to purchase these items and help this young man begin to rebuild his life.
Making a house a home again
An Elderly Taree widow had her marital home flooded. She was still grieving the loss of her husband and was struggling with the scale of loss losing her material possessions.
She was moved to emergency accommodation and needed help get her home fit for occupation again.
The recipient spent 4 months in a motel and was finally able to move back home with the help of GIVIT who provided a new bed and bedding, a washing machine, rugs and flooring, clothing and fuel.
GIVIT to assist Nambucca Valley Council
The community of South Arm, west of Macksville, was cut off last week and desperately needed supplies.
Nambucca Valley Council contacted GIVIT for urgent assistance. They requested $3,000 worth of grocery vouchers and $3,000 worth of fuel vouchers to provide to local residents who were, in that moment, still stranded.
GIVIT immediately met this request thanks to the incredible response we've had from big-hearted Aussies.
Helping the town, helping the residents
With increased awareness of the GIVIT program immediately following the ABC Radio telethon, GIVIT was able to utilise some of the funds raised to purchase vouchers from the Wisemans Ferry Grocery which Hawkesbury City Council were able to distribute to local residents they were supporting.
This was a double boost that assisted not only residents affected by the floods, but also the communities' only grocer who also suffered along with the local residents.
Warming the house and heart
An elderly couple from Yowrie lived in 2 caravans in a small bush block.
During the 19/20 fires, both caravans were destroyed as was their car. In the aftermath of this disaster, they built a small breeze block home to live in.
This was all followed by flooding as well as coping with a mice plague this year.
To provide some comfort in the depth of winter when their house would drop to unbearable temperatures, GIVIT provided a heater which has made the world of difference.
Stories of many who received vital items with help from our Partners
Flooded family in remote NSW
A family was severely impacted by the floods in a very remote area who were without power and completely cut off for 12 days. They had very little food and water and no power or generator. Both of their cars have been written off completely and have lost animals, belongings and damage to entire property. They were helped with some vouchers thanks to donations received by Coles to GIVIT.
A 91yr old mothers home destroyed
The granny flat where a retired couple cared for their 91 year old mother was destroyed. They needed help to repair the property so she could return after such a distressing time away from her home. Thank you to our partners NAB who helped support this family in need.
Vouchers for the Hawksbury Community
Many residents in the Hawkesbury region were severely impacted by the recent flooding and needed immediate and ongoing support for all essentials. The community was completely cut off and residents were in great need for the basics and essentials. Many vouchers were supplied to support the community so they had control over what they received in these early stages of recovery. Thank you to our partners Coles who helped support this community in need.
Family of 6 with daughter who has leukaemia lost all their contents and personal belongings in Severe NSW Flooding
Lovely family with 4 children who are still seeking treatment after daughters battle with leukemia, have now lost their entire contents and belongings when their rental property was inundated by the Mid North Coast Floods. As they moved to a new rental, they needed everything replaced. A Bunnings voucher was purchased to help this family get set up in their new home. Thank you to our partners Coles who helped support this family in need.
Thanks from support organisations and recipients
The Hon. John Barilaro MP, Deputy Premier of New South Wales.
“What GIVIT does really well is connect the two [items and recipients] without storing; I might have a fridge that I want to get rid of and there’s someone who has a need for a fridge, well guess what they [GIVIT] connect and get it delivered. It’s a really good platform.”
Shane Fitzsimmons ASFM, Commissioner of Resilience New South Wales
“The partnership that we’ve got as government with GIVIT is just so critical. It’s that ability to identify, source and match directly which is the real strength of the GIVIT connection and we’re really proud to have a partnership with them because it’s making a discernible, meaningful, personal difference to all those impacted and affected in these local community areas.”
GIVIT donation recipient, at Wilberforce Recovery Hub
“This is the best day I have had in 4 weeks and it has put a smile on my face. I feel hopeful for the first time since the flood."
Jenna O’Connell, Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
“These donations are making such a huge impact on flood impacted residents in towns like my own, and I know this appeal will continue to make life-changing differences to so many.”
Give Dignity Donation Drive
“We are incredibly grateful to have received the support of GIVIT in expanding the reach of our Give Dignity Donation Drive. The donations were appreciated by the community members and brought a smile to many faces. Thank you GIVIT for providing this opportunity to reach success in our donation drive and to support our community members”
Dunbogan NSW resident
"I have never had to ask for anything in my life but after our home was badly damaged by the flood, I agreed to accept help. We received a Bunnings voucher that enabled us to buy plaster, paint, doors and all the timber trims. I cried but this time it was of joy. I could see that there was a way forward. And four weeks later I was tucking the girls into bed in their own bedrooms again."
With thanks to our supporters
National Disaster and Emergency Partner
Airtrunk, ARA Group, BAE Systems, Bunnings, Chemist Warehouse, Coles, Ernst & Young, Fantastic Furniture, Gelatissimo, Hare & Forbes Machinery House, Israeli Embassy, Luxottica, MG Motor Australia, Myer Community Fund, NAB, PayPal, Rio Tinto, Salesforce, SC Johnson, Sealy, Sekisui House, Selleys, Services Australia, Wesley Mission - Elevation Church Hills, Zoom