We know it's tough for any business to keep trading without the equipment or resources they need. COVID, floods, bushfires and disruptions of various kinds take a toll on so many small business owners. Equipment has become harder to replace due to increased costs, scarcity of supply or longer than usual lead times.
GIVIT is a practical and smart way to help small businesses in hardship to repair or replace equipment or facilities essential to getting restarted. We're calling on big-hearted business and community to support local businesses in need.
The Queensland Small Business Commissioner (QSBC) is working with GIVIT on this appeal.
Want to help? Below is what's needed right now
The list changes as requests are filled and new needs are identified by the QSBC and trusted partners as we help small businesses in hardship.
How you'll be helping
Following recent disaster events, businesses and communities approached QSBC with offers to help other businesses that were in need.
The Queensland Small Business Hardship Appeal directs help to small businesses when they experience hardship as a result of an event outside of their control. The appeal is designed to help small businesses to recover from hardship and get back to business with:
- Donations of business equipment, or funded vouchers to replace essential equipment.
- Donations of voluntary time to assist small businesses to clean up a business' premises or do other essential work once flooding has subsided and it's safe to do so.
Who you'll be helping

Source: https://desbt.qld.gov.au/small-business/strategic-documents/small-business-strategy#references

Small businesses are at the heart of every community and are run by our families, friends and neighbours. They operate across every industry, contributing to the livability and vibrancy of our communities.
They are also an important source of investment and jobs in our local economies. It's vital that we work together to help our small businesses when they experience significant hardship so that they can recover and get back to business.
Frequently asked questions
No, small business recipients will receive a donated item or a voucher to use to purchase an item they need from a pre-determined supplier.
Personal details of donors will only be shared where required and with agreement from the donor. For example, volunteering to assist a small business to clean up or repair an essential service after a flood would require the volunteer’s details to be shared with the small business recipient, and vice-versa.
When an item or voucher is donated, both GIVIT and the requesting organisation can see the donation has been made. The requesting organisation then coordinates for the item or voucher to be passed on to the small business recipient.
GIVIT is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our donors and supporters. You can view GIVIT's privacy policy in full here.
No, this is to ensure that the total cost of a voucher is fully funded and to avoid the need to refund any partial donations if the total cost of a voucher is not fully raised.
GIVIT purchases the voucher and provides it to the requesting organisation. The requesting organisation then passes on the voucher to the recipient in person or by email or post.
If you donate an item, you will see the requesting organisation has specified delivery options. Please consider these before donating (if the organisation listed only Drop off, you will need to arrange delivery). If the requesting organisation has listed several options (Pick up, Drop off, Post/courier, Voucher) you can discuss with them the preference which suits you best.
If you offer an item and indicate you can deliver, you must then deliver the item (or arrange delivery) within the specified area. If you indicate the item needs to be collected, the requesting organisation will liaise with the donor to arrange a mutually suitable timeframe for collection. If you offer to post the item, you will need to cover this cost.
GIVIT is not able to assist with collecting or transporting your offering.
The requesting organisation will obtain a written confirmation of any tasks that the small business recipient needs volunteers to do and will provide this to volunteers prior to the time scheduled for volunteers to attend the small business recipient’s business premises.