GIVIT is the smart way to help people affected by Cyclone Seroja
We have partnered with the Department of Communities and the National Recovery and Resilience Agency to manage donation offers during recovery from Tropical Cyclone Seroja.
In April 2021, Tropical Cyclone Seroja made landfall near the town of Kalbarri in Western Australia's Mid West. Wind gusts of up to 170km/h caused massive destruction, with up to 70% of structures in Kalbarri damaged. The cyclone then tracked southeast for more than 1000 kilometres, impacting more than 133,00kms² and 16 local government areas.
Listed below is exactly what's needed right now
The list changes as requests are filled, and new needs are identified by support organisations providing aid and relief. 100% of publicly donated funds received by GIVIT will be used to purchase exactly what's needed by people and communities impacted by the cyclone.
Have something to give that's not listed above?
Listing your donation will make it visible and available to charities and support organisations working with people who have been impacted by Tropical Cyclone Seroja.
Impacted areas where organisations registered with GIVIT can request donations include Geraldton, Northampton, Kalbarri, Morawa, Mingenew, Carnamah, Carnarvon, Chapman Valley, Coorow, Dalwallinu, Dandaragan, Irwin, Koorda, Mount Marshall, Perenjori, Shark Bay and Three Springs.
This is how to help people in Western Australia impacted by Tropical Cyclone Seroja.