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Fund what's needed

Grocery voucher - $50

Client and husband have 4 kids (family of 6) and suddelnly they only have one wage due to brain surgery for the husband

Client has husband and 4 chldren under 17, living at home.
Husband is having brain surgery (remove brain tumour) and family is instantly reduced to one wage.
All leave entitlements have been used and family is in EXTREME financial hardship whilst husband has surgery, recovers, and rehabiliates to an ability where he can earn a wage again.

Client has no choice but continueing to work whilst navigating 4 children all at school, all household work and chores, whilst supoorting her husband going through major surgery and rehabilition.
Client is very private person and does not want many people knowing her business.
This has been extremely difficult situation for client to navigatewhilst looking after her own mental health.

Fuel and grocery vouchers are in desperate need, to put food on the table and fuel for frequent melbourne trips for medical appointments which is over 300km away.

Any fuel or grocery vouchers will be extremely welcomed by this loving family.


Wangaratta VIC 3677


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